Horror Vacui
Horror Vacui was concieved over a period of time spanning well over a year, while I was contemplating my relationship towards art and image during my process of writing my masters thesis in arts.
The work consists of two videos and an typewritten text. The videos were produced by stop motion technique and feature two different clay figures animated through time and changes in their enviroment.
Again these scultures are something I made and wanted to document and were subsequently destroyed, either in the process of filming or discarded afterwards.
The first of the videos, The philosopher, features a facial portrait of a man captured in a tank with fruit that then start rotting over a period of time. The second one, The Fool, also features a figurative sculpture from whose mouth a species of mushrooms grow out of.
The text part consists of 35 pages of mostly stream of conciousness, ranging from the nature of art, to nature of reality to the nature of boredom.
In large part of my thesis I am contemplating on how to exert new meaning from image and words while trying not to be deceived by the way I am conditioned to interpret the reality around me. To do this I utilize methods like stream of conciousness, arbitrary collage of concepts images and sound, automatic writing, cutups and so on...
In the end the fight against conditioning is futile, but the act, the effort, seems to be a fruitful one for me in my work as an artist.